At Dovecote Academy, we are committed to providing high-quality and accessible care at home services for those in need. We are excited to announce our new PA Empowered Online Learning program, featuring a range of courses including Care Certificate, Health and Safety, and over 80 other courses. Earn CPD points and retain your certificates while improving your skills from the comfort of your own home.
Catalogue Ref Course Title-Healthcare
lms-cleaning-equipment Cleaning and Decontaminating - Equipment and Environments
lms-cleaning-intwash Cleaning Interiors and Washrooms
lms-cleaning-waste Cleaning and Waste Management
lms-data-gdpr-dc Understanding the GDPR - Data Controllers / Officers
lms-data-gdpr-dp-hc Understanding Data Protection, Handling Information and GDPR in Health and Care Environments
lms-diab-aware Diabetes - Understanding, Controlling, Monitoring
lms-eand-oview Understanding Equality and Diversity
lms-eand-workplace Equality and Diversity in the Workplace and Community
lms-epilepsy-aware Epilepsy Awareness
lms-fire-marshall Fire Marshall - Understanding the Role
lms-fire-safety-hca Fire Safety in Healthcare Environments
lms-firstaid-allergy Understanding Allergic Reactions and Anaphylaxis
lms-firstaid-bls Principles of First Aid - Adults and Children
lms-firstaid-paed Principles of Paediatric First Aid
lms-food-allergens Understanding Food Allergens and Controls
lms-food-safetyFood Safety and Hygiene Level 2 - Intermediate
lms-food-safety-supervisor Food Safety and Hygiene Level 3 for Supervisors and Managers
lms-gen-cov19-employee Covid-19 An Employees Role in Maintaining Safety
lms-gen-custserv Delivering Great Service & Improving Customer Experiences
lms-gen-handwash Understanding Infections and the Importance of Hand Hygiene
lms-gen-ldd Understanding Learning Difficulties and Disabilities
lms-gen-literacy Reading, Writing and Interpreting
lms-hands-clerical Health and Safety for Office Workers
lms-hands-CRHARA Understanding COSHH, RIDDOR, Hazard Analysis & Risk Assessment
lms-hands-CRRA-cleanUnderstanding COSHH, RIDDOR and Risk Assessment within Cleaning Functions
lms-hands-general Health and Safety (Level 2)
lms-hands-healthcare Health and Safety (Level 2) for Healthcare Workers
lms-hands-loneworker Health & Safety and Lone Working
lms-hands-managers Health and Safety Level 3 for Supervisors and Managers
lms-hands-risk Risk Assessment
lms-hcare-pcc Understanding Person-centred Care
lms-hcare-phleb Blood Transfusion Safety in Practice
lms-hcare-recrephan-info Recording, Reporting and Handling Information & Complaints in Healthcare Environments
lms-hcare-tpn Total Parenteral Nutrition (TPN)
lms-hc-ccThe Care Certificate - Fundamentals
lms-hc-commsCommunication and Handling Information in Healthcare Environments
lms-hc-consentUnderstanding Consent in Healthcare Environments
lms-hc-cp Care Planning and Risk Assessment
lms-hc-eol End of Life Care
lms-hc-hca-fallsSlips, Trips and Falls Awareness in Healthcare Settings
lms-hc-hca-infection-x2Infection Control (Issued in 2 Parts)
lms-hc-hca-oxygen Oxygen Therapy
lms-hc-hca-perscare-continence Understanding and Supporting Continence (including Urinary Catheters and Stoma Care)
lms-hc-hca-perscare-update Understanding MUST and GULP within Nutrition and Hydration
lms-hc-hca-personal-csh Personal Care, Support and Hygiene
lms-hc-hca-puc Pressure Ulcer Care
lms-hc-pdPrivacy and Dignity in Healthcare
lms-meds-msh-acute Managing and Safe Handling of Medicines in Acute Settings
lms-meds-msh-community-x4 Managing and Safe Handling of Medicines (England) 2023
lms-mental-aut Understanding Autism
lms-mental-awareness Mental Health Awareness
lms-mental-challenging Understanding Challenging Behaviour
lms-mental-dta-applied Dementia Care - Applying a Person Centred Approach
lms-mental-dta-approach Dementia Care - A Person Centred Approach
lms-mental-dta-behaviour Dementia Care - Understanding Behaviours
lms-mental-dta-condition Dementia Care - Understanding the Condition
lms-mental-workplace Understanding Mental Health in the Workplace
lms-movhan-objects The Principles of Moving and Handling (Objects)
lms-movhan-people The Principles of Moving and Handling (People)
lms-nutrition-hydration-allNutrition and Hydration - All Ages
lms-nutrition-hydration-elderlyNutrition and Hydration in Older Adults
lms-palcare-eol Care During the Final Hours of Life and Bereavement Care
lms-palcare-meaning Understanding the Meaning of Palliative Care
lms-palcare-person Supporting a Person's Needs in a Palliative Care Context
lms-palcare-physical Supporting Physical Care Needs within Palliative Care
lms-regs-docDuty of Candour
lms-sguard-cp1 Safeguarding - Child Protection (Level 1)
lms-sguard-cp2 Safeguarding - Child Protection (Level 2)
lms-sguard-cp2-l3 Understanding Child Protection and Responsibilities at Level 3
lms-sguard-cp3-hcw Safeguarding - Child Protection Level 3 for Healthcare Workers
lms-sguard-mcadols The Mental Capacity Act and Deprivation of Liberty Safeguards
lms-sguard-ppb Promoting Positive Behaviours
lms-sguard-prevent Understanding Radicalisation and the Prevent Duty
lms-sguard-slaveryModern Slavery and Human Trafficking
lms-sguard-sova Safeguarding Vulnerable Adults - Level 2
lms-sguard-sova-l3 Safeguarding Adults (Level 3)
lms-vanda-managing Managing Violence and Aggression
lms-vanda-understand Understanding Violence and Aggression in Healthcare Environme