Our Story
Qualified Practitioners Bringing Care to Your Front Door
Our mission at Dovecote Care is to provide the highest quality care for our clients, helping them to maintain their independence and quality of life. We can assist with a range of tasks, including washing and dressing, preparing meals and drinks, and collecting prescriptions. Our care professionals are trained to help with medication management, ensuring that you never miss a dose. We can even help you get out and about, for example to a lunch club, so that you can continue to live life to the fullest. Contact us to find out more about our personalized care services.
Also, available to you are the following services:
Our Online Shop for healthcare related products, pads, drynite sheets and uniforms.
CareCoinCTX - earn money off the cost of care.
Dovecote Care Direct - One off finders fee introductions to private PA's
Dovecote Academy - Empower PA training they can use anytime, any place.
What Makes Us Different
Qualified Care Professionals
Your Health Is Our #1 Priority
1 Hour Free Consultation
Exceptional Customer Service
DBS cleared Staff
Excellence Guaranteed